open and arresting the flux of time. She shows them at a fragile moment of ripeness, a transient reprieve before succumbing to over-ripeness and rot. They embody what T.S. Eliot, in “Four Quartets,” termed an …intense moment, Isolated, with no before and after, But a lifetime burning in every moment. As Shakespeare tells us, “Ripeness is all.” In capturing the essence of Summer Produce, Daisy Craddock demonstrates her fully mature art. She still does what she has always done superbly, but now she does it in a rainbow of colors. CAROL STRICKLAND is an art critic, author of an introduction to art history, The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art History from Prehistoric to the Present, soon to be released in an updated, third edition. She contributed criticism to Art in America and MOMUS magazines and writes a monthly column on art and politics for The Clyde Fitch Report. Summer Squash In Progress